Welcome back to Rachel’s Corner! Each month, I will share some of the things that inspire me to aim for living my best life. Some things I’m choosing to fill my mind and my time:
Something I watched: This struck me at so many levels, I decided to dedicate this entire piece to Jonah Hill’s Stutz which was released on Netflix near the end of last year. To me, this was a remarkably creative way to tell the story of one man’s journey, navigating important relationships in his life with his friends, his family, his doctors and himself. Just like success with weight management could look quite different from one person to another, the path that leads one to an ongoing struggle with their weight can also vary. It’s fascinating to me that weaved through all these differences, the shame of living even a small fraction of our lives in a larger body is something most will carry with us for our lifetime.
This documentary feels different than the usual narrative of living life in a larger body which can sometimes be tied up in a pretty bow so as not to offend or trigger someone. Instead, this feels crude and raw, revealing truths that are a little hard to swallow. And, it takes a broader view of our lives, our health and what can influence important life decisions.
For me, one such hard-hitting truth is halfway through the documentary, about 38 minutes into the story. “It’ll be hard for the rest of your life” says his therapist. What I’ve come to understand about the impact of years of yo-yo dieting along with periods of perceiving myself as “too big” is that finally loving myself for who I am is NOT a place I arrive but rather a path I decide on every day.
Later, the film explores the ever-alluring trap of perfectionism, something I’m all too familiar with. If I could only be perfect at work, at love… if I could assemble the perfect outfit for every occasion… if I could curate the perfect home and invite all my friends over… no one would be able to see my fatness. As Jonah’s therapist explains, perfectionism is nothing more than a realm of illusion. Yup… what he said!
They discuss many helpful tools throughout and what I have found particularly helpful is practising gratitude. I’m grateful for my tribe of friends and family, for my cat Jasper, for candles, for my tendency to be positive, for parting clouds that give way to beautiful sunshine and for the Obesity Matters community.
If you’re interested and this film is accessible to you, you may want to add this one to your viewing list. If not, that’s cool too. Perhaps even a reminder to kickstart or continue your gratitude practice is your reward for reading this edition of Rachel’s Corner!
Today, I choose to surround myself with love and acceptance, immerse myself in meaningful activities and nurture healthy relationships. This wasn’t the case a few years ago. My life was crashing in nearly every way – at least that’s how I felt. With some introspection, support and a dose of curiosity, I recognized it wasn’t my weight that was out of control, it was my thoughts, my mindset and my ways of being. Today, I choose to surround myself with love and acceptance, immerse myself in meaningful activities and nurture healthy relationships. The choices we make each day set our strategy for how we live our lives. What choices are you making?
Until next time my friend,
Rachel is the Vice-Chair of the Board & Director of Strategy with Obesity Matters. Join our Facebook community to share your tips on how to live our best lives. And, tell us, what are you choosing? #OMwhatareyouchoosing