Welcome back to Rachel’s Corner! Each month, I will share some of the things that inspire me to aim for living my best life. Some things I’m choosing to fill my mind and my time:
Something I Heard: All this hype about weight loss medications can make it challenging to navigate the right path for your weight management journey. It feels like a whirlwind of advice with varying opinions swirling everywhere – from your doctor to your coffee shop, from some famous celebrity to your local news.
I’m happy to hear that at least some of the major Canadian news media outlets are presenting a more balanced view of what the latest medications mean for society – who it’s meant to help and what cautions to consider. As I was driving home from an errand today, the local radio news was weighing in on the topic. By the end of the broadcast, I’m furious! Their coverage is clearly one-sided and ends with a health practitioner quote “It’s easy!” Her view was that instead of taking a medication, an individual should eat healthy foods, which would result in the same weight loss and… “It’s easy!” I’m not furious that there are conversations about the negative side of medication. We need that balanced viewpoint. I believe we should balance the potential negative consequences of taking a medication with the potential positive changes we may see in our lives and our health as a result.
However, I’m furious that we still live in a world that believes the current obesity epidemic, growing exponentially around the globe, will simply go away with the addition of healthy food – that’s called a wish and, that’s not reality. We need to arm ourselves in many ways to combat this epidemic and come out on the other side healthier and stronger! How we do that no doubt includes healthy wholesome foods and moving our bodies in ways we enjoy. Some may need a little more help through community and therapy. Still others may benefit from pharmacological interventions and surgery. Whatever intervention you decide on, I hope you have the right guidance and support to choose the best path for you and your needs.
I still want to call the radio station and complain. Instead, I will leverage that moment as the stimulus to drive forward with the mission of Obesity Matters!
Something I’m Thinking About: Like many, I’ve struggled with body image for most of my life. Recently, I realized that my focus has shifted from worrying about how I look to worrying about my strength and flexibility as I age. It’s a natural transition, I think. As we get older, we realize that being healthy and strong is much more important than the number on the scale.
All that time I wasted worrying about body image could have been put to better use in focusing on what’s really important – strength, flexibility, balance and breathing. Maybe this can be the source of my motivation to get moving (which has been lacking as of late). Knowing that by taking care of my body, I’m giving myself the best possible chance at a healthy, happy future. And when I think about it that way, it feels less like a chore and more like a gift to myself.
So, if you’re like me and struggling to find the motivation to move, maybe try reframing it in your mind. Think of it as an investment in your future. A way to give you a better chance of living your life to the fullest. Let’s make a pact to focus on our health and longevity, and to support each other along the way. We got this!
Today, I choose to surround myself with love and acceptance, immerse myself in meaningful activities and nurture healthy relationships. This wasn’t the case a few years ago. My life was crashing in nearly every way – at least that’s how I felt. With some introspection, support and a dose of curiosity, I recognized it wasn’t my weight that was out of control, it was my thoughts, my mindset and my ways of being. Today, I choose to surround myself with love and acceptance, immerse myself in meaningful activities and nurture healthy relationships. The choices we make each day set our strategy for how we live our lives. What choices are you making?
Until next time my friend,
Rachel is the Vice-Chair of the Board & Director of Strategy with Obesity Matters. Join our Facebook community to share your tips on how to live our best lives. And, tell us, what are you choosing? #OMwhatareyouchoosing